Thursday, February 26, 2009


EMET is the Hebrew word for “truth,” and it is a word that I have come to cherish.

The Rabbis call this word (and idea) “the seal of God,” not only because the 3 letters that make up the word EMET are the final letters in the last 3 words of the creation account (bara Elokim la’asot – “God created to do”), but also because those 3 letters are the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Because of this, EMET is a constant reminder to us that God was, is, and is to come.

This idea is also a personal one, because in the Jewish tradition, truth is not really looked at as “fact,” but more as what a person uses his life for. If we are living a life that honors the Lord and that looks after His creation, then our life is TRUE.

Not only does God want us to value truth and the idea of being faithful, but He desires us to rest in the fact the He is forever the same.

I hold this word as a promise from the Lord - that he cares for us, just as He always has, and that He has “sealed” us for His glory and His love.

This blog is in honor of Him, the one that is forever EMET. It is my personal search for His truth, and my journey to know Him better.

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