When reading the Bible, I like to see things for what they were. It helps me to connect with the story and remember it well. I have been reading through Samuel, and thought I would include some pictures that might give a better understanding (and help us connect to) the story of David and Goliath, since it seems to have become more of a fairy tale in the Western world than a real-life, bloody battle to the death. Hopefully, this will cement its reality a little more in our minds:
David was most likely a young boy of 11-13 years of age when he fought Goliath. Most boys who watched over the flocks of the family were quite young.
Two examples of what a sling probably looked like in David's time. They would spin it in circles over their heads to gain speed and momentum, and let go when the timing was just right. It took a lot of practice to have the accuracy that David had. No doubt God prepared him for the battle against Goliath with a lot of target-practice during his many hours shepherding near his home.
A diagram of where the battle took place. Matters were often decided by having 2 men from either army fight against each other because of the belief that battles were really fought by the gods. It was a way to stop unnecessary bloodshed, and still see who's god was more powerful. This idea gives new depth to the meaning behind David's words in the following verse.
" All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:47.
By challenging the Israelites and talking of victory over them, Goliath was saying that his god was stronger than the God of Israel, and David knew in his heart that this was untrue. He fought to prove the honor of God to the Philistine nation, and to gain back the respect that his God was due(!).
1 comment:
Whenever I get tired of studying, I will remember how David must have practiced for hours upon hours tirelessly... Maybe God is preparing to show himself through my obedience. I loved the post
1 comment:
Whenever I get tired of studying, I will remember how David must have practiced for hours upon hours tirelessly... Maybe God is preparing to show himself through my obedience. I loved the post
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