I also notice that so much of the Jewish faith involves signs and symbols pointing back and reminding its people of things that God had done for them. Many times Israelites, after God had worked in their lives in some way or rescued them from harm, would erect "standing stones," which basically are big stones set up in the place where the miracle or blessing occured in order that no one would forget the thing that God had done there. (Other examples of this remembering through symbols include the Mezuzah, which Jews place on their doorframes so as not to forget the daily call of God for living out Shema (see here for more info), and the many Jewish festivals each year that allow them to look back and remember the ways that God has blessed them and carried them through history).
Although the symbols and the festivals and the traditions are beautiful in themselves, they are not signifigant alone. They require the "telling" or the "witness" that goes along with them, something else that the Jews have put much importance on. So much of Jewish history made it this far because fathers passed down stories to their children and continually reminded themselves and the generations that followed all the things that God had done for them. The five books (Torah), presumably written by Moses, contain much history that Moses never saw or experienced, but that he knew, because of the great oral tradition of the Jewish people. More than anything, this sharing of history and the telling of what God has done is the real "standing stones" of the past, for they are what point heavenward and remind us of the Glory that God is due.
Today, our standing stones are not rocks put into the ground, but our lives in general. We ourselves are each a standing stone, pointing to God (or something else). The way we live and the things we share and the people that we give credit to are the rocks in the ground of our 21st century. We are our own witnesses. God has given you your story for a reason, and He not only wants, but demands, that you share it.
And so I look back on what God has done in my life, and the ways that He has protected me and brought me forward, the ways that He has disciplined and strengthened, the times that I have failed and that He has picked me up and set me on my way again, and I remember.
I remember that God has been there beside me for every breath and every moment, and that anything good in my life is because of something that He has poured forth in me. I remind myself that without Him, I am nothing, but with Him, I am radiant, redeemed, forgiven. I remind myself of HIM. And when I look back and realize, truly, all that He was to those who went before me, and all that He is to me in this day, I cannot help but turn my face heavenward and pour forth thanks and blessing on Him who blesses.
Thank you Lord, for your incredible grace poured forth on us. Thank you for listening to us when we pray to you and for guiding our steps. Thank you for being our refuge, and hiding us in the shadow of Your wings. Thank you for always giving us enough, and for all the times you give us more than we need. Thank you for the strength you grant in hard times, and the peace that you offer every moment. Thank you for your incredible redemption, the beauty of this world you allow us to live in, and the constant reminders of your love and grace all around. Thank you for your sense of justice, but also your mercy. Thank you for always allowing a remnant to surive, and for not giving up on us. Thank you for allowing us to know and follow your incredible, loving, life-giving son, and for not only his death, but for his life here, and for showing us through Him, the way to live it. Thank you, Almighty God, for being so big but speaking to us still, for preserving your Word for us and allowing us to understand it in a small part. Thank you for always bringing us back to you.
Thank you Lord, for being a God who ALWAYS keeps His promises; for being a God of faithfulness.
Help me, every moment, to be a standing stone to you and your Glory; to allow my story and my life to point heavenward, always reminding us of your incredible grace.
Thank you Lord, for being a God who ALWAYS keeps His promises; for being a God of faithfulness.
Help me, every moment, to be a standing stone to you and your Glory; to allow my story and my life to point heavenward, always reminding us of your incredible grace.
You are God alone.
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