(Roman Road, Susita, 2009)God is so good at TIMING.
Whenever I read things of history, I am reminded of this.
And it's amazing to me how God can put people exactly where they need to be, surround them with the resources they will need, and give them the connections that will aide them on their journeys and further His plan, and do it so well.
Most often too, I don't think we recognize these details until they are already history. The people that are living IN God's timing, often don't get the privilege of seeing the things that He is bringing together for His mission, RIGHT NOW.
Perhaps that is why I have such a love for Biblical history (and history in general). History allows us to see better how God is working now, based on the things that He did a long time ago (because He was, is, and is to come. He doesn't change).
This morning I read in "Walking the Bible," by Bruce Feiler, that during the time the Israelites were going through their Exodus from Egypt, the alphabet and a writing system were just starting to break forth in the ancient world...
Just before God gives them the 10 commandments, establishes (or renews) His covenant with them, and starts them on their journey of becoming a nation of their own, the written word is gaining power.
Think of how important that is?
Writing was KEY to the Israelite nation. It is so important, the timing of this, that it almost baffles me.
It was the beginning. The beginning of The Book. The Text. The Torah.
The Word of God, being written down, remembered, passed down, shared.
It seems God knows what He's doing.
And this is just one instance of God's incredible timing and His attention to detail.
There is also Jesus. God sent Him to a time when the Rabbi/disciple model was normal and a popular, respected institution. He sent Him to a culture where faith, God, and morality was the most important thing, where the Bible was talked about and discussed and debated, and where people were HUNGRY for truth.
There's the early church. God started the movement of Jesus' message in a time when Rome ruled, and therefore Roman Roads covered the land, connecting cities and towns like never before. Travel was easier, and the likelihood of a message being shared with the WHOLE world, much stronger. There was a common language, making communication possible. Everything was connected in a way it had never been before, just in time for the story of Jesus to be shared, grow, and gain power.
And there's now. At this moment, God has placed us in a world with the Internet (our Roman road), enabling us to connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
He has placed us in a time when science is making incredible discoveries about the world and how it runs, pointing us to a God who is bigger and smarter that we could ever dream.
This is a time when Biblical Archaeology is making huge discoveries, allowing us to know more about our Jewish forefathers, the land they walked, the people they were, and the covenant that God established with them. Not only that, but it allows us to know more fully and intimately the Rabbi we serve, and the God who sent Him.
And my favorite? He has placed us in a time when Jewish history is becoming a huge part of Biblical study, which enables us to understand so much better, this faith that we have been grafted into.
All this being said, I think the question to ask ourselves is this;
Are we using the resources that God surrounded us with to share His story and bring Him glory?
Do we even see the details that God is bringing together now, in this time that we're a part of?
God has put each of us Here. Now. For a reason and a purpose.
And someday hundreds of years from now, someone will be studying our time, and reading what God did, now. What will they see?
We are only a small part of this ongoing story, but we are most definitely a part.
So what is God doing with ours?
I LOVE hearing your heart. I love how I enjoy history when you write. I love hearing the truth He speaks through you. I love being challenged by the two of you...
When I think of people looking back to now from 100 yrs, it makes me want to open my eyes more to what God is doing now and how he is moving. What is He asking me to do and to be? I am so excited for your archeological dig!
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