"Do I trust in God's blessings, or in God himself?" - Oswald Chambers.
Sometimes I think it's so easy to lose hope and start questioning ourselves and God when life gets hard. When we experience a lack of obvious blessing, or go through a time of struggle and hardship, we start to wonder if we're doing something wrong, or worse, we start to question if God really is who He says He is.
A lack of obvious blessing often goes hand in hand with doubt.
But what needs to be remembered is that God leads His children through the desert for a reason. He wants us to be ready for when the time comes to take what is promised us. And sometimes that requires ALOT of wandering in between.
Don't forget how our God works.
He promised Abraham a son through Sarah, and she didn't get pregnant until 13 years later. He promised the Israelites a land of their own, and then led them around the wilderness for forty years. He promised Israel a Messiah, and then waited 2,000 years to send Him.
God sees the big picture. And He isn't about immediate blessings. He's about long-lasting ones.
And He's about growth.
And sometimes trust and strength and joy can't be learned until we walk in the dark for a while.
It's in those moments that God makes Himself known, and it's in those moments that we recognize how much we need Him.
And that is the best thing that we could know.
How much our need is for this Great, Almighty God.
And our greatest blessing?
The fact that HE IS.
This is hard for me to conceptualize... it seems like if we are doing what we are supposed to, then when things are hard God would give us peace, right? My brain hurts
I think you're right. And I think the peace comes from knowing that even when things seem "dark," we still trust that God is present and that He has not changed. Trust brings peace.
Trust in who God is, no matter the circumstances.
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