Friday, September 3, 2010


While in Costa Rica, I had the privilege of talking to a classroom of young kids about Israel.

And it was the coolest, most amazing experience - one of the best things I have ever been blessed to be a part of.


I stood up in front of the class, and as soon as I said the word Israel, their eyes opened big and wide and I had their undivided attention.

And when I said the name Jesus, they collectively, as a class, "oohed" and "aahed" and "wowed" and sat up in their chairs.

And then, when I started showing pictures, they all clamored around as close as they could and pointed at everything - amazed at the smallest, tiniest details.

And when I asked if they had any questions, their little hands shot up, one by one by one.


And the entire time I was talking, I could feel a certain spirit growing in the room.






And even at the very end, when we all bowed our heads to pray, those kids were so excited to say a few words for their friends in Israel - prayers for peace and family and happiness.

It was absolutely beautiful.


And as I bowed my head and listened to each one of those little children's prayers, I could only think one thought - I could only pray one prayer:

"Rabbi, help my heart to be like theirs."


"Anyone who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." -- mark.

1 comment:

a.slenk said...

You have no idea how often these guys humble me....