Saturday, March 5, 2011

to fulfill all righteousness.

The Bible is full of patterns.

Which comes as no surprise to us, since from the very beginning we are shown that our God is full of order and plan.

Within these patterns lie powerful messages about God and His story, a truth I was reminded of recently by a teacher, who showed me the following:

Chaos. Ruach. Voice. Temptation. Sin.

1. Creation.

watery chaos covers the deep. God's breath (ruach) hovers above the waters. God speaks: "let there be..." and a new creation comes to fruition by the power of His voice. Immediately following, the people God has formed are tempted to disobey Him, their Maker. And they fall into that temptation, eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree, and sin.

2. The Flood.

God sees that the heart of man is full of deceit, and He sends a flood to destroy the men of the earth. The flood waters come and fill the earth, and the land is filled with watery chaos once again. Only Noah and his family are saved. Once the rest has been destroyed, God remembers Noah in the ark, and He sends a wind (ruach) over the earth, and the water subsides. And by His voice the Lord speaks blessing over Noah and His family, charging them to be fruitful and multiply on the earth, establishing with them a new covenant and creation. But soon after, Noah's sons are tempted by pride, and Canaan his son gives way to that pride, disrespects his father Noah, and sins.

3. The Exodus.

God hears the cry of His people, and sends His messenger, the great prophet, to bring them out of their bondage. In their escape, they find themselves trapped and hedged in by the watery chaos of the sea of reeds. But God blows His breath (ruach) and the waters split, and the Israelites walk through the sea unharmed. And by God's mighty hand, the waters cover over the Egyptians as they follow, and destroy them. And the Israelites journey into the wilderness, and come upon the mountain of the Lord. And God, by His mighty voice, speaks, and gives Moses the great Torah, His very Word, a new covenant and creation for His people. And while Moses is with God upon the mountain, the Israelites are tempted by fear and unbelief. And the people of God give in to their temptation, create a golden calf idol, and sin before the Lord their God, their Saviour.

4. The Jordan.

The Israelites prepare to cross over into the land of promise. The watery chaos of the Jordan separates them from their journey into this land. And the spirit of God (ruach) goes with them, and the waters part, and the people pass through to the other side. And God, by His mighty voice, speaks, and charges Joshua to choose twelve men, to make an altar to Him there, standing stones as a witness to His power. And the men of Israel are circumcised before the Lord that day, and a covenant is established and renewed between the Lord and His people. And the people march on to Jericho, and Achan son of Zerah and his family are tempted by greed and possession, and Achan and his family give in to their greed and disobey the proclamation of the Lord their God, take for themselves silver and gold, and sin against the Lord their God, their provider.

5. Rabbi Jesus, Messiah.

Jesus comes to John to be baptized. John tries to deter Him. Surely Jesus should be the baptizer, not the baptized. But Jesus replies, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." And Jesus enters the watery chaos of the Jordan, the waters signifying all the weight of sin, and plunges under. And then, Jesus went up out of the water, and heaven was opened, and the spirit of God (ruach) descended on Him. And a voice from heaven said, "THIS IS MY SON, whom I love; with him I am well-pleased." Immediately following this proclamation, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted.


And Jesus is tempted. And Jesus says, DO NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.

And Jesus is tempted. And Jesus says, AWAY FROM ME, SATAN! for it is written, WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, and SERVE HIM ONLY."

And this man Jesus, the gentle One, our great Rabbi and Shepherd, God's only son, and our MESSIAH,


darkness driven back.
sin conquered.
righteousness fulfilled.

bless God, our Messiah changed the story.

Jesus has redeemed it.


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