Wednesday, November 14, 2012


help, o L-RD!
for the faithful are no more;
the loyal have vanished from among men. 

men speak lies to one another;
their speech is smooth;
they talk with duplicity.

may the L-RD cut off all flattering lips,
every tongue that speaks arrogance.
they say, "by our tongues we shall prevail;
with lips such as ours, who can be our master?"

"because of the groans of the plundered poor and needy,
I will now act," says the L-RD.
"I will give help," He affirms to him. 

the words of the L-RD are pure words,
silver purged in an earthen crucible,
refined sevenfold.

You, o L-RD, will keep them,
guarding each from this age evermore. 
on every side the wicked roam
when baseness is exalted among men.

psalm 12.

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