Saturday, July 3, 2010


"The Christian life is a life characterized by true and spontaneous creativity. Consequently, a disciple is subject to the same charge that was leveled against Jesus Christ, namely, the charge of inconsistency. But Jesus Christ was always consistent in His relationship to God, and a Christian must be consistent in his relationship to the life of the Son of God in him, not consistent to strict, unyielding doctrines. People pour themselves into their own doctrines, and God has to blast them out of their preconcieved ideas before they can become devoted to Jesus Christ." -- oswald chambers.


All I really know to say to this quote is "Amen."

(Oh, and one more thing):

Praise. the. Lord that at times His mercy is severe.

Praise the Lord when He drags us out of our boxes, forces us outside our lines, and is willing to make us really uncomfortable .

Praise the Lord for his work in us and its sometimes white hot intensity.

Yes, praise the Lord for it all.

For without His refining fire,

I would surely be lost.


Anonymous said...

Your the second person in the last hour to point me to this devotion!


Anonymous said...

good stuff today sarah.
thanks for sharing.
