The blessing comes after the burden. Always.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Weight of Glory.
The blessing comes after the burden. Always.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today, I ask for your wisdom and your bravery.
Fill me up with each, that I might serve you.
And help me never to live one without the other.
Friday, April 16, 2010
In the Bible, a person's name was given with great importance and signifigance.
It was thought by the Israelites that a name was divinely inspired by God, and that it worked to prophesy about the life of the one who bore it.
That is why, in many stories of the Bible, when God calls someone to a special mission, He gives them a new name.
A name of explanation.
A name of purpose.
I was thinking of this idea when something dawned on me...
The Bible states that the Jews are God's chosen people.
And God, in His great understanding and purpose, gave a very meaningful and important name to the ones He chose to call His own...
(Modern word Jew comes from Biblical Judah, the 12th tribe of Israel. Hebrew form = Yehuda).
Do you know what Yehuda means?
To live as God's chosen means having a grateful heart.
It's means being aware of the fact that we. are. blessed. no matter how messy or chaotic or lonely life can feel.
Because despite what this world throws at us, good or bad, nothing can change the fact that
we have been chosen.
God has extended His hand of grace
to us.
We bear the name of the Holy One, Blessed be He.
And when we let the world and its worries rob us of the truth and the power behind that fact...
when we allow people and circumstances to make us forget the ways that
God has lavishly
poured out
His grace...
that is the moment when we lose sight of our calling, step off the path that God has set before us, and cease to have a witness as His people.
We are here first, to praise.
And we praise the One who loves by loving well.
We thank the One who looks past weakness by meeting others in their own (and being honest about ours too).
We exalt the One who meets our needs by serving others.
Being grateful in the deep and
hidden recesses of our souls
shows a broken world that we trust
in the fact that
God keeps His promises,
that He will save us,
and that He offers a real and sufficient and powerful grace.
Because if we have God alone and nothing else,
there is
still room for praise.
He is sufficient.
He is all.
He is One.
He is more than enough.
He chooses us
as His people
and He gives us the chance
each and every day
to choose Him back.
That's something
we can always
and be
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Very End.

there are two types:
there are those people that
those people that
smile at me,
look me in the eye,
feel stronger,
and perservere
to the very end?
Monday, April 5, 2010
New Story.
Friday, April 2, 2010
By His choosing.
The only thing in my life that I am certain of at this very moment, is that I serve a Rabbi who never stops leading me in faithfulness.
My life is not constant. Not even close. Hope washes over me, fear overtakes me. My step is sure, my step falters. I see the light before me, I stumble through the darkness. Spirit and flesh, love and selfishness.
Ever-changing, this life of mine.
But He...
He...Yeshua, kind and wise Rabbi from Nazereth, does not change. He is always before us, always speaking to us in His sure and quiet way...reminding us that no matter what happens, there is one thing that we can know...We are His.
And even better? We are His
by His own choosing.
Every day, every moment, every breath, he chooses us...again, and again, and again.
He calls us forward as His own...
beckons us as sons and daughters, disciples and heirs.
And His choice, His call, is constant.
He is faithful in it.
And for a life that is ever-changing, shifting, growing, breaking, and so utterly unknown...being chosen is a powerful truth to stand on.
to rest in...
hope for...
cling to...
leap from...
Yes. It's true.
We are His.
And by His choice.
What a beautiful gift...
What astounding grace.